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Forms of Government

There are many forms of governments in the world. Some are better than others. One form is vastly superior to the rest.

What is the purpose of government?

The purpose of government is to provide the population the things necessary to live that the individual cannot provide as individuals, such as the building of roads and highways, a military to protect the country's sovereignty and the lives of its citizens, and to provide and maintain a justice system. But it should not provide the population that which the individual can provide for themselves. By allowing the individual to provide for themselves, the individual will do a better job thus maintain a higher standard of living.


  • Anarchism emerged out of the Socialist movement as a distinct politics in the nineteenth century.

    Because of this emergence, there is a close relationship between Socialism and Anarchism doctrine.

  • The theory or doctrine that all forms of government are oppressive and undesirable and should be abolished.

    This is the complete absence of government. In this form of government, nothing will ever get done. There are no laws, or at least no one to enforce them. There are no corporations, because a corporation would be considered a form of government due to its hierarchy. There would be very little infrastructure, because there would be no one to maintain it. And if every country in the world would commit to this concept, it would be the Garden of Eden... That is until someone wants something for nothing. At that point, they either do without or force someone else to provide it to them.

  • Active resistance and terrorism against the state, as used by some anarchists.

    A good example of the way that Anarchism are the radical groups such as Earth First!, Animal Liberation Front, and Earth Liberation Front.

    (For additional information, you can also refer to "The Meaning of Marxism", an article from the SOCIALIST WORKER ONLINE website.)


  • Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

    With the promise of a Utopia after the complete implementation of a 5-12 year plan, whereby all control of production goes to the government and the government provides everything necessary to live for the population. All that is necessary for the plan to work is to give you to the government and do what they say. In return, the government will give you a stipend of a salary that will keep you just rich enough that you don't dare to risk upsetting the system.

  • The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat (The poorest class of working people) has not yet been successfully achieved.

    This is the promise that keeps you following the carrot on the stick just in front of you. How many poor people in the Communist/Socialist governments had the power to do anything? In reality, there was no "Dictatorship of the Proletariat"; there was only dictatorship of the government that was providing the minimum necessary to live, i.e. a job with welfare pay for the working class. And there was never a chance to get off of the welfare line, because it is your job.

    (For additional information, you can also refer to "The Meaning of Marxism", an article from the SOCIALIST WORKER ONLINE website.)


  • An economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members regardless of individual contribution.

    This is where that promised Socialism takes you. You have a job with income. You have a place to live. The monthly rent is only $35/month. Food is dirt cheap, so is the quality. And you are never going to get a raise again. What do you need a raise for anyway? Everything is provided for you. Giving you a raise would only allow you to acquire more and that would not be fair to everyone else. You have the minimum required to live. If you have anymore, then you are taking away from someone else, and that is not fair.

  • The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.

    This is a clear case of bringing everyone down to the lowest level instead of raising up those on the lower end and making their lives better. This is where achievement is truly built on the backs of the poor and that is because the poor have no place to go.

    (For additional information, you can also refer to "The Meaning of Marxism", an article from the SOCIALIST WORKER ONLINE website.)


  • The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society's allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.

    Everyone is going to have their groups that they like. And at some point, someone is going to list these groups in some particular order starting with the one that seems to be the most popular. At this point, you have a class-oriented society. This form of government does not work. And the reason is because there is always someone that is going to work harder and try to be a winner. And suddenly you have two classes: winners and losers. You cannot bring the losers up the level as the winners, so the winners have to be punished and forced back down to level the playing field.

    (For additional information, you can also refer to "The Meaning of Marxism", an article from the SOCIALIST WORKER ONLINE website.)


  • A form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed

    This form of government lends itself to a very low standard of living for the average citizen. The individual has very little in the way of personal rights and is at the mercy of the government. This system is overbearing and oppressive.


  • A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

    As with a Totalitarian form of government, this system lends itself to a very low standard of living for the average citizen. The individual has very little in the way of personal rights and is at the mercy of the government. This system is overbearing and oppressive.


  • Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.

    By free elections, politicians must report to the citizens and the citizens must take the responsibility to vote and keep informed of the workings of the government. This requires a free press and access to the government officials on a regular basis. It does require that the citizens make the effort to be informed and hold politicians accountable for their actions. This is done at the voting booth. It is an enormous responsibility. Other forms of government do not require this amount of effort from the citizenry as does Democracy. A pure Democracy is actually a government where Mob Rules and reacts at the emotional whim of the population.


  • A political system that is led by elected leaders that do not hold their power status on any principle beyond the control of the people living in that state or country. The leaders answer to the general population that has the power to vote the representatives in or out of elected positions.

    As in Democracy, the system by which this form of government is based, through free elections, politicians are responsible to the citizens. The advantage of this system is that it is stability based on the Rule Of Law that allow the country the ability to ride out many of the circumstances or events that can cause emotional reactions with the population due to these events.

    Like Democracy, this requires a free press and access to the government officials on a regular basis. It too requires that the citizens make the effort to be informed and hold politicians accountable for their actions.

Freedom - The right of the individual to exist, live, and prosper for his (or her) own sake...

More information and perhaps a better understanding can be seen in the following video clip.

Much to the surprise, many will find that the United States is not a Democracy at all, but rather a Republic. While Democracy is practiced, Democracy is not the form of Government that is the United States of America.


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