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American Patriotism

We keep seeing groups like CodePINK and others in the "Peace Movement" protesting the military while claiming to be supporting the troops. Here is a story that the media deliberately missed.

Denzel Washington at Brook Army Medical Center

You probably did not hear about this show of support for American troops because it was only briefly mentioned in a local newspaper in San Antonio. Denzel Washington and his family recently visited the troops at Brook Army Medical Center, in San Antonio, TX. This is where soldiers who have been evacuated from Germany come to be hospitalized in the United States, especially burn victims. There are some buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher House is a Hotel where soldiers' families can stay, for little or no charge, while their soldier is staying in the Hospital. The Brook Army Medical Center has quite a few of these houses on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost filled most of the time.

While Denzel Washington was visiting the Brook Army Medical Center, they gave him a tour of one of the Fisher Houses. While on the tour, he asked how much one of them would cost to build. He took his checkbook out and wrote a check for the full amount right there on the spot.

This does raise a question. Why does Alec Baldwin, Madonna, Sean Penn, and other Hollywood types make front page news with their anti-America rhetoric and Denzel Washington's Patriotism doesn't even make page 3 in the Metro section of any newspaper except a local newspaper in San Antonio.

Where are CodePINK, Cindy Sheehan, Ward Churchill, Susan Sarandon, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, Tom Hayden, Ariana Huffington, and the rest of the so-called Peace Movement? This lack of support is just another example that they are still part of the problem and never part of the solution. THE PEACE MOVEMENT DOES NOT SUPPORT THE AMERICAN MILITARY OR THEIR MISSION!

Denzel Washington at Brook Army Medical Center
Denzel Washington at Brook Army Medical Center
Denzel Washington at Brook Army Medical Center
Denzel Washington at Brook Army Medical Center
Denzel Washington at Brook Army Medical Center

Denzel Washington has proven that he is a true American and friend to all in uniform! This is what you call "Supporting the Troops" as opposed to the Peace Movement and their ideals that state, "We support the troops. They are doing what they are told and we support them, just not what there told to do." Their ideal is devoid of any and all support.

Compare Denzel Washington's show of support for our troops to that of the Peace Activists.

Denzel Washington at Brook Army Medical Center


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