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Updated 22 February 2015

  1. 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military

  2. 10 Obvious Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

  3. 11 Things You Did Not Learn In School

  4. 12 Undisputed Goals of the Animal Rights Movement

  5. 15 Myths of the Iraqi War

  6. 50 Difficult Things You Can Do To Save the Earth

  7. 50 Years of Progress in Education

  8. A Concerned Look at the Second Amendment

  9. A Letter Home

  10. After Preserving Our Liberty, Will We Forfeit It?

  11. Ambassador of Death

  12. American Patriotism

  13. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

  14. Andrew Stepanian

  15. Animal Defense League (ADL)

  16. Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

  17. Ann Davis

  18. Applying for a Marriage License

  19. Are You A Conservative

  20. Are You A Liberal

  21. Beheading of Japanese Hostage Kouda Shouse by Islamic Terrorists

  22. Berkeley City Council

  23. Berkeley City Council Meeting Minutes - 22 January 2008

  24. Big Hunger Strike at Crawford

  25. Burning the American Flag

  26. Camille Hankins

  27. Cindy Sheehan

  28. Cindy Sheehan Updates

  29. CodePINK

  30. CodePINK Updates

  31. CodePINK - Walter Reed Hospital Protest

  32. Contact Us

  33. Craig "Critter" Marshall

  34. Craig Rosebraugh

  35. Daniel McGowan Plea Agreement

  36. Darren Thurston - Court Transcripts

  37. Darren Thurston - Guilty Plea Agreement

  38. Discount Mats and SGT Hess

  39. Disgusted by CodePINK

  40. DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce

  41. DoJ Report - Prevalence of Imprisonment

  42. DoJ Report - Recidivism of Sex Offenders Released from Prison in 1994

  43. Earth First!

  44. Earth First! Manifesto

  45. Earth First Means Social War - Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force

  46. Earth Liberation Front (ELF)

  47. Earth Liberation Front Guide - Setting Fires With Electrical Timers

  48. Editorials

  49. Enemy Targets

  50. Facts About Social Security

  51. Fair Use Notice

  52. Fifth Column

  53. Forms of Government

  54. Foundation to Support Animal Protection - List of Officers

  55. FOX News/Opinion Poll

  56. France, Thanks For All Your Help With Iraq

  57. Freedom, Not Freeloaders

  58. Gary Yourofsky

  59. General Eisenhower Warned Us

  60. General Knowledge Exam

  61. Government's Sentencing Memorandum for ELF Terrorists "The Family"


  63. Graphic Pictures From Iraq

  64. Green Energy - Who Has A Problem With It?

  65. HAMAS Charter of 1988

  66. HAMAS Plays Host to Pedophilia

  67. Harry Reid and the Smear Letter

  68. Hate Crime? What Hate Crime?

  69. Hate Mail

  70. Hate Mail - 2005

  71. Hate Mail - 2006

  72. Hate Mail - 2007

  73. Hate Mail - 2008

  74. Hate Mail - 2009

  75. Hate Mail - 2010

  76. Hate Mail - 2011

  77. Hate Mail - 2012

  78. Hate Mail - 2013

  79. Hate Mail - 2014

  80. Hate Mail - 2015

  81. Holocaust in America

  82. How Does The Toyota Prius Compare To The American General Hummer

  83. How Long Do We Have

  84. How To Catch Wild Pigs - A Lesson In Socialism

  85. How To Destroy America

  86. I am a Bad American

  87. I am Wo-man, Hear Me Roar

  88. Idiot Alert

  89. If the Constitution was Written by Liberals

  90. If The Liberal Agenda Takes Control Of The Military

  91. Institute for Social Ecology

  92. Iraq in the Bible

  93. Islam - A Religion Based on Terrorism

  94. Islam - Marriage is not a Requirement for Having Sex

  95. Islamic Links on

  96. Islamic Terrorism in Israel

  97. ISIS Forces Iraqi Christians To Pay Jizya,...

  98. Jay Bennish

  99. Jeffrey "Free" Luers

  100. Jesse Macbeth - Poseur

  101. Jews and Muslims - An Intellectual Comparison

  102. Joe Arpaio

  103. John Daly

  104. John Petrovato

  105. Judge Ann Aiken Bench Ruling for "The Family"

  106. Just A Rant

  107. Karen Pickett

  108. Kendall Tankersley - Guilty Plea Agreement

  109. Kendall Tankersley - Explanation of Charges

  110. Kevin Tubbs - Guilty Plea Agreement

  111. Koran - English Translation

  112. Kyoto Treaty

  113. Lazy Democrats

  114. Left-Wing Protesters - A Photographic Record

  115. Left-Wing Protesters Part I - Liberals on Parade

  116. Left-Wing Protesters Part II - More Peace Protests

  117. Left-Wing Protesters Part III - Pro-Abortion Protests

  118. Left-Wing Protesters Part IV - Defacing the Flag

  119. Left-Wing Protesters Part V - Washington DC Liberals

  120. Leslie James Pickering

  121. Let Us Reason Together...

  122. Letter to Senator Byrd

  123. Letter To The Berkeley City Council

  124. Letter To The Editor

  125. Liberal Socialist Pigs

  126. Liberalism's Tragic Soul

  127. Links

  128. Marie Mason

  129. Marie Mason Plea Agreement

  130. Medal Of Honor vs. Homeowners Association

  131. Mike Roselle

  132. Miscellaneous Domestic Terrorists

  133. Mission Statement

  134. Motivational Posters

  135. Nathan Block - Guilty Plea Agreement

  136. National Organizations Affiliated with United For Peace & Justice (UFPJ)

  137. National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee

  138. North American Animal Liberation Press Office

  139. One Law For All - No Sharia Law

  140. Paul Watson

  141. People for the ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA)

  142. PeTA's Tax Records

  143. PeTA's Unethical Nature

  144. Peter Daniel Young

  145. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)

  146. Political Correctness Killed Common Sense

  147. Progressive Democrats of America

  148. Quotes From Al Gore

  149. Quotes From Barack Obama

  150. Quotes From Bill Clinton

  151. Quotes From The Conservative World

  152. Quotes From Famous People

  153. Quotes From Hillary Clinton

  154. Quotes From The Islamic World

  155. Quotes From Joe Biden

  156. Quotes From The Liberal/Marxist World

  157. Quotes From The Political World

  158. Quotes From The Severely Liberal Viewpoint

  159. Robin Webb

  160. Rodney Coronado

  161. Ryan Lewis, Jeremiah Colcleasure, Lili and Eva Holland

  162. Society's Five Stages of Economic Collapse

  163. Solution to the Foreign Debt Crisis

  164. Some Good News About Education for a Change

  165. Stanislas Gregory Meyerhoff - Guilty Plea Agreement

  166. Steven Best

  167. Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC)

  168. Suzanne Savoie - Guilty Plea Agreement

  169. Tampering With Reality

  170. The Meaning of Marxism

  171. The Second Amendment - America's Original Homeland Security

  172. The Story of the Flag Raising at Iwo Jima

  173. The True Agenda of the Animal Rights Movement

  174. The True Threat of Illegal Aliens

  175. The Truth About the Palestinian People

  176. To Be A Conservative

  177. To Be A Liberal

  178. United For Peace & Justice

  179. US Foreign Aid to the Palestinians

  180. USS William Jefferson Clinton

  181. Utopia, Socialism, Communism, and Star Trek

  182. Ward Churchill

  183. What Times We Live In

  184. When World War III Started

  185. Who is Smarter

  186. Who Is To Blame

  187. Why Are We Bankrupt?

  188. Why Teachers like Jay Bennish are not Good for Your Kids

  189. William Jensen Cottrell

  190. Women Under Islamic Sharia Law

  191. You Can't Blame White People

  192. Your Daddy Kills Animals - PETA Comics

  193. Your Mommy Kills Animals - PETA Comics

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